

Mohammad Irman
19 Years Old
26th April 1989

Singapore Polytechnic

My items on eBay


Bring some love and spread them thru' the taggie taggie boardie


Life without music is like me without music
Life without music is like mickey without Minnie
Life without music is like me without tv
Life without music is like spongebob without Patrick
Life without music is like Mr.Krabs without money
Life without music is like plankton without a krabby patty
Another way to say this is that
Life would be dead without music
Music brings joy to life.


( Man Arrested for Upzipped jacket ) ( Unplanned Outing ) ( Cali Birthday - 2nd Phase ) ( Cali Birthday - 1st Phase ) ( Sars | H1N1 | Public Trans Etiquette ) ( Thai Ads ) ( Singapore Flyer ) ( 160s Outings! ) ( Sickka ) ( Post Celebration with 160s )

+ April 2008
+ May 2008
+ June 2008
+ August 2008
+ September 2008
+ October 2008
+ November 2008
+ December 2008
+ January 2009
+ February 2009
+ March 2009
+ April 2009
+ May 2009
+ June 2009
+ July 2009
+ September 2009

SPPU Outing

Having a SPPU Outing is like waiting for the durian season!...Finally we had one and it was AWESOME!...Attendance was bad but we had lot a hell of FUN!...We played a lot of games and kept changing!...hahaha..we learnt new games and some we didnt even seen them before!
The igloo game-We are suppose to shake the and guess the number of beads in the igloo. I have a hearing problem i guess...coz i always get it wrong!
Banana Slap-We are suppose to do an action of the monkey in the card if there is a pair to it. And slap the wooden banana is there is a monkey with the banana...geesh...this game is super violent!
The Monkey King...hahaha...they say i behave like one!
I think we should change our family name to Monkies Union instead of Pellinor!
We had the "Family Reunion" Dinner at Lau Pa Sat and family are great!...i miss those FO days...it was funny that we are not that popular kind of family...we're humble during the camp..but we still keep in touch!...Recalling the FO days during the dinner was hilarious!
Oh and we cant get in touch with father, since he is in Malaysia. Right aft im home, father was on MSN!!...GEESH!..he should be online 1 day before!!


3mokid aisyah aniq anne azree brana calister cetrina christie doreen evan faiz farhan fila hidayah iris janet janessa jasmine joan joanne joaquim khadijah lexmi ligeng mei yin mira nadira nadzirah russell ryan sitinana valerie wei yang wei ying xiao han ying yan yi ting yusi zul